Terms of Service


1.1 Veranda Learning Solutions Limited having its Registered office at Old No.54, New No.34, Thirumalai Pillai Road, T Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu - 600017 and its affiliates, including, Veranda RACE Learning Solutions Private Limited, Veranda XL Learning Solutions Private Limited and Veranda IAS Learning Solutions Private Limited) (hereinafter referred to as "Veranda", "we", "us", or "our", which term shall be deemed to include reference to these entities or any subsidiary company(ies) thereof, which are engaged in online education activity) conducts online coaching classes for competitive entrance exams including in Banking, State Selection Commission, State Public Service Commissions, Railway, Insurance sectors, CA (Foundation, Intermediate and Final), IAS (Prelims and Main) etc. in form the various Courses, as may be notified by Veranda from time to time (the "Services"). The Services are accessible at Veranda’s official website viz. www.verandalearning.com and any other websites, as may be notified by Veranda from time to time, through which Veranda makes the Services available (collectively, the "Site") and as software for personal computers or applications for mobile, tablet and other smart devices and application program interfaces (collectively, the "Applications").

1.2 Upon your acceptance of these terms, the same shall constitute a binding contract between Veranda and yourself.

1.3 All persons accessing the Site / Applications and/or availing the Services (or any of them) (hereinafter referred to individually as “User” and collectively as “Users”, “you” or “your”, as the context requires) are requested to read these Terms of Services before accessing or using the Site / Application or availing any Services or downloading or posting any content from or on the Site or via the Application, carefully, as they contain important information regarding legal rights, remedies and obligations. For accessing or using our Site, Application or Services, you would be required to confirm that you have read, and that you have understood and you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions, as may be modified by us from time to time, and further that you are competent to undertake to be bound by and adhere to these Terms of Services. Availing of the Services is treated as acceptance of these terms.

1.4 The Terms of Services govern your access to and use of the Site, Application and Services and all the text, graphics, images, music, software, audio, video, information or other materials including the materials based on third party sources, for instance, NCERT or SCERT, that are made available by us through the Site, Application, Services or its related promotional campaigns and official social media channels (“Content”). For avoidance of doubt, the term “Content” shall include:

1.4.1 Printed material/booklets provided as part of any Service (whether on a complimentary basis or on a paid basis).

1.4.2 Any other material provided or made available as part of or in connection with any Service.

1.5 Your ability to access or use the Site, Application or avail the Services, is subject to your acceptance of the Terms of Services as set out in Clause 1.3 above.

1.6 If a User does not agree to these Terms of Services, then such User shall have no right to access or use the Site, Application, Services or any contents thereof.

1.7 At the time of registering with us to access the Services through the Application/Site, Users may be required to provide necessary information / declarations as to their competence to undertake and comply with these Terms of Services. Users may be required to provide true and accurate information as may be required, including with respect to proof of age/competence to contract, to Veranda on demand or as required by law or Government or its agencies.

2.Complaints Policy

2.1 Veranda has a zero-tolerance policy to sexual harassment, plagiarism, bullying (physical or virtual) or any other conduct which is obscene, defamatory, or causes stress to any of the students. Any student who experiences the same in the course of his online education classes, whether from another student or any of the tutors or other teaching and non-teaching staff, is entitled to approach Veranda with a written complaint in his/her behalf.

2.2 Veranda will take action on such complaints promptly and in accordance with law. While it is open to students to request anonymity in relation to such complaints, it must be understood that such anonymity may likely hamper Veranda’s ability to take action on such complaint. Nevertheless, Veranda will attempt to redress the grievance to the best of its ability.

Please contact @verandalearning.com on emails pertaining to takedown policy. If you are unhappy with the decision taken, you have the right of appeal. Your appeal should be addressed to the Director at adm@verandalearning.com.

3.User Provided Information

3.1 The Site/Applications obtain the information you provide when you register for any Courses or avail any facilities forming part of the Services on the Site / Applications, including with respect to your user account created via www.verandalearning.com (either through the Site or the Application(s)) ("Account") for the Courses of Veranda Race Learning Solutions Private Limited and Veranda XL Learning Solutions Private Limited which are subsidiary companies of Veranda Learning Solutions Limited. At the time of registration as also your subsequent access/use of the Site/Application, Veranda (which includes its subsidiaries and affiliates) shall be entitled to collect personally identifiable information about you, including details such as your first and last name, email address, mobile phone number and other contact details, demographic profile (like your age, gender, address, etc.,), as also other information you enter into our system when using the Application/Services/Site, such as while asking doubts, participating in discussions, presentations, etc. and taking tests (including mock tests) and transaction-related information, such as when you make purchases or respond to any offers. Veranda has the right to collect and analyse data and other information relating to use of various aspects of the Services (including without limitation User data and data derived therefrom). Veranda is also entitled to:- (a) seek, collect and process information pertaining to the marks / scores Users obtain in any exams (including mock tests) they undertake, exam results, ranking etc.; (b) exclusive rights in and over any studies, analysis, performance analytics (including meta data) pertaining to and/or based on information of the Users (including any class or category of such Users).

3.2 If you choose to link your social media account with your Account or provide registration/user details of any other website including Government sites, we collect basic information about you from those social media platforms or any other website as mentioned, such as name, age, gender, location, e-mail address, status, etc. In addition to the above, the Application/Site may collect/elicit certain information automatically which shall include, but not limited to, the type of mobile device you use, the IP address of your mobile device/personal computer, the operating system of your mobile device/personal computer, etc. The information collected may be used for the following, amongst other, purposes:

3.2.1 Providing or making available the Services (including sharing such information with our third-party service providers in connection with the provision of the Services);

3.2.2 Promotional activities;

3.2.3 Compiling / conducting performance analytics (including meta data) pertaining to the Users and/or their performance;

3.2.4Such other ancillary purposes as may be determined at our discretion.

3.3 We use (a) an outsourced transaction processing company/payment gateway for the purpose of billing you for the goods or services we provide; (b) third party service provider for providing the back-end learning management system services. The said company/gateway/ third party service provider may retain, share, store or use your information in connection with the transaction(s) in question and for any other relevant and related purpose.

3.4 By accessing the Application/Site/Services or by registering with us and creating an Account for courses of Veranda, it is deemed that you have expressly consented to collection, processing, storing, disclosing and handling of information as set forth in these Terms of Services now (and as amended may be amended from time to time) by us or any of our third party service providers as set out in Clause 3.3 above. While we shall comply with our obligations under the laws of India (including the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011) in the collection, processing, storing, disclosing and handling of such information, please note that all sharing/submission of information by you is at your own risk.

3.5 The ability of a User to register with us or access the Services via the Application/Site is subject to the User being above 18 years of age and being otherwise competent to adhere to (and undertake to adhere to) these Terms of Services. User shall provide proof of age to Veranda on demand or as required by law or Government or its agencies. The ability of any person below 18 years of age to access or avail the Services via the Site / Application is subject to and conditional upon the registration and creation of an Account (for the use of such minor person) by such person’s guardian, who must be competent to and undertakes to ensure (in respect of such minor person’s access to or use of the Site/ Application/Services) adherence to these Terms of Service, and acceptance of liability for such minor’s actions.

4.Usage of Site, Application or Services

4.1 The Site, Application and Services facilitate Users to enrol for the educational courses, coaching classes, live demo, seminars / webinars and / or the doubt clearing sessions or such other courses of Veranda which are listed in our official website viz. www.verandalearning.com (“Courses”). If you wish to enrol for any such Courses, you are required to register with us to create an Account.

4.2 Your ability to register for any Course(s) or avail any Services is conditional upon:

4.2.1 your provision of current, accurate data, including with respect to your contact details.

4.2.2 availability at your end of the devices/hardware that is compatible with the Application/Site (as may be modified from time to time). You shall be responsible for ensuring your devices/hardware compatibility for the purposes of accessing the Site / Applications in a safe and secure manner and we shall not be responsible/liable for the same.

4.2.3 your continued adherence to these Terms of Services at all times.

4.3 You are solely responsible for protecting the confidentiality of your Account’s credentials viz. username and password (you will be required to change the default password before commencing access to the Course and the password you set is distinct and unique to you, and Veranda does not have any access to the same). Any activity under your Account accessed through the use or application of your password will be deemed to have been done by you. At no point in time will Veranda be liable for any losses caused by any unauthorised access to or use of your Account, including uploading any content on the Site/Application, and you shall solely be liable for the losses caused to us or others due to such unauthorised use, if any. In the event you provide us with false/inaccurate information or Veranda has a reasonable ground to believe that false and inaccurate information has been furnished, we hold the right to permanently suspend your Account and/or refrain from rendering any Services to you.

4.4 The usage of the Site, Application and Services is strictly limited to educational purposes alone. We provide the Users of our Site, Application and Services with access to educational information and related sources on an As Is Basis. While every effort is made to maintain the highest standards in the collection and dissemination of data, we assume no liability for the accuracy/completeness/use/currency of such information provided on our Site, Application or Services. From time to time, we may provide free contents or compiled educational information based on third party sources. You agree and acknowledge that Veranda is not liable for any errors or inaccuracies which might appear in such information.

4.5 All information and material, including without restriction the Content, and all intellectual property comprising therein, including all copyrights, trademarks, trade names, etc. are proprietary to Veranda (or to such third parties as specified by way of appropriate credits on the Site/Application). You acknowledge that you acquire no rights whatsoever therein by the access to the Site/Application or availing of the Services. User also acknowledges that some Content may be in encrypted form, and will thus only be viewable on the Application / Site and cannot be downloaded or otherwise accessed.

4.6 Your use of the Site/Application shall be solely for your personal and non-commercial use. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing:

4.6.1 No portion of the Application or Site or Services or the Content shall be reproduced, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, visited or otherwise exploited (including by way of recording of any sessions) for any commercial purpose.

4.6.2 You may not frame or utilise framing techniques to enclose any trademark, logo, or other proprietary information (including images, text, page layout or form) or whole or any portion of the Content of the Site, Application or the Services without our express written consent.

4.6.3 You may not use any meta tags or any other “hidden text” utilising our name or trademarks without our express written consent.

4.6.4 You shall not attempt to gain unauthorised access to any portion or feature of the Site, or any other systems or networks connected to the Site or to any server, computer, network or to any of the services offered on or through the Site, by hacking, ‘password mining’ or any other illegitimate means.

4.6.5 You shall not allow any third parties to access your Account or otherwise disseminate any information which you may learn from the Site /Application to any third parties.

4.7 Veranda makes available an online platform through the Site/Application which provides the Services to the Users enrolled with us. For the purpose of the same, Veranda has engaged, on contractual basis, third-party tutors who have the adequate expertise and knowledge in handling the Courses and who are subject- matter experts in the Courses (“Subject-Matter Experts” or “SMEs”). You agree and acknowledge that Veranda has no control over and assumes no responsibility for the practices, act, omission or negligence, whether wilful or not, of the SMEs. By using the Site/Application/Services, you expressly relieve Veranda from any and all liability arising from such practices, act, omission or negligence, whether wilful or not, of the SMEs.

4.8 The Courses may include “live” sessions conducted by the SMEs at scheduled time slots as may be notified from time to time. Access to the “live” sessions shall be available only during the notified time slots, and not otherwise. Failure or inability to attend a “live” session shall be at the sole risk of the User. The SMEs may alter these time slots in cases of unavoidable contingencies. Veranda’s role in such cases will be limited to communicating the altered time slots to Users.

4.9 The Contents on the Applications/Services/Site are developed on the concepts covered in the curriculum syllabus prescribed for the students of various Courses. The usage of the Application/Site/Services is not endorsed as a substitution to the curriculum-based education provided by the educational institutions. The Courses we provide are intended to only supplement the same (as applicable).

4.10 We, or the SMEs, make no warranties or representations whatsoever regarding the quality, content, completeness, adequacy of such information and data provided in our Site/Application/Services. We expressly disclaim any assurance of success in your exams/career.

4.11 We shall be entitled to remove, edit, review or delete any Content as also any other material posted on the Site/Application by the Users, at any point in time. The user interface of the Site/Application may also be changed by Veranda, at its sole option and discretion.

4.12 We are not responsible for any content posted or uploaded by Users onto the Site/Application even if the same is used as part of the Service, Site or Application.

4.13 The Site/Application may contain links to third-party sites or domains for payment gateways, links of third-party financiers providing financing arrangements, third party links providing additional / supplementary information etc. You may be required to read, understand and accept the terms as applicable to the access/use of these sites. We are not responsible for any issues you may encounter with respect to such third-party sites/domains/arrangements/relationships.

4.14 It is clarified that all the Users of the Site, Application, Services and the Contents, including the SMEs, are bound by these Terms of Services.

4.15 We shall have the right to monitor the download / access as also usage of the Site/Application by any User.

4.16 Any feedback/information provided by Users with respect to the Application or the Site shall be deemed to be non-confidential. We shall be free to use such information on an unrestricted basis. Further, (i) your feedback/information shall not contain confidential or proprietary information of you or of third parties; (ii) Veranda is not under any obligation of confidentiality, express or implied, with respect to the feedback/information; (iii) you acknowledge that the Application or the Site may have something similar to the feedback already under consideration or in development; and (iv) you shall not be entitled to any compensation or reimbursement of any kind from us for the feedback/information under any circumstances.

4.17Under no circumstances shall Veranda be responsible in any manner for any content provided by Users/third parties.


5.1 We transfer cookies, which are small files containing a string of character, to your IP address, giving the browser distinct identification, in order to keep track of the user’s preferences. Furthermore, these files also help in logging-in faster and they act as a mechanism to determine user trends. The data thus retrieved from the user’s IP address enable us to enhance our offers, including but not limited to more content in areas of greater interest to most users.

5.2 Our Site, Application, Services uses cookies to identify the areas of our Site/Application that you have visited. A cookie is a small piece of data stored on your computer or mobile device by your web browser. We use cookies to personalise the Content that you see on our Site/Application. Most Web browsers can be set to disable the use of cookies. However, if you disable cookies, you may not be able to access functionality on our Site/Application correctly or at all. We never place personally identifiable information in cookies.

6. Payment Terms

6.1 The following sums shall be payable by the User to Veranda:-

a. Course Expenses – These are sums payable by the User to Veranda towards study materials, e-books, ID cards, App access, and other items that will be itemized by Veranda at the time of collection of the Course Expenses; and

b. Course Fees – These are the fees payable by User to Veranda for attending the Course, and includes any additional / further fee that may be notified by Veranda, and also includes any fee, as applicable for any add-on courses.

6.2 Ordinarily, the entirety of Course Fees and Course Expenses shall be payable prior to the commencement of the Course, failing which User shall not be permitted to attend the Course.

However, for certain Courses User may have the option of paying the Course Fees on instalment basis subject to terms & conditions of such instalment scheme as may be notified by Veranda, at its discretion.

Where a User elects to pay the Course Fees on instalment basis, the term “Course Fees” shall include any instalment thereof, and any late fees as may be applicable on any delayed payment of any instalment.

6.3 Upon receipt/acceptance of your duly filled enrolment request, User has the option to choose payment of Course Fees on lumpsum basis or instalment basis as above, and User shall indicate his/her option in writing to Veranda. Once the mode of payment of Course Fees is indicated by User, User shall make payment of entirety of Course Expenses and Course Fees (or applicable instalment thereof) in any of the following methods:

6.3.1 Domestic and international credit cards issued by banks and financial institutions that are part of the Visa, Mastercard and Amex Card networks.

6.3.2 Visa and Mastercard Debit cards.

6.3.3 Net banking/Direct Debit payments from select banks in India.

6.3.4 Payment Wallets.

6.3.5 Any other payment methods as provided by the Payment Gateway service provider
(collectively, the “Payment Methods”).

6.4 User’s ability to avail the Services on the Application/Site is conditional upon and subject to timely and due payment of the Course Fee (including any instalments thereof, as applicable). Accordingly, User’s access to the Services (or any part thereof) in the event of default / non-payment of the applicable Course Fee (including any portion or instalment thereof) shall be liable to disabled or restricted, upon such default occurring. User acknowledges that the onus is on the User to ensure timely payment of Course Fee and receipt thereof by Veranda, and accordingly, Veranda shall not be required to issue any notice to User prior to disabling or restricting User’s access to the Application or the Site or any part thereof.

6.5 The Course Fee notified on the Site/Application is final and non-negotiable. There shall be no reduction/waiver of the same. Upon payment of the Course Fee, there will be no refund of the same under any circumstance, except as expressly provided for under Clause 7 below.

6.6 If you choose to make payment for the Course Fee or for the study materials, e- books, add-on courses, etc. in any of the Payment Methods, you shall be redirected to an outsourced third party payment gateway for the said payment. Once the said payment is successful, you shall receive an e-mail and a text message confirming such payment.

6.7 Right of Restoration: Any User whose access to the Application / Site has been disabled or restricted for non-payment of Course Fee or Course Expenses may seek restoration of such access, upon payment of such unpaid sums, plus such fee (“Restoration Fee”) as may be prescribed by Veranda. Such restoration may be made by Veranda, subject to technical feasibility, and subject to a clear understanding that any live lectures or sessions which have been already concluded, shall be lost to User. User shall be entitled to view recordings thereof, and shall be entitled to participate in future segments of the Course, subject to the terms hereof.


7.1 If the payment through the third-party gateway has failed, but the amount has been debited from your bank account, the amount so deducted shall be automatically credited to the said bank account within a period of 14 days, subject to reconciliation, as per the terms of the third-party payment gateway.

7.2 No refund shall be made for any successful transaction through the Payment Gateway services except as set out hereunder.

7.3 When a user discontinues subscription to any course, for any reason whatsoever, User shall not be entitled to any refund of any payment(s) made (including towards the study materials, e-books, add-on courses, etc.).
Further, having regard to the fact that the subscription by the User has effectively deprived Veranda of the ability to allot that seat / slot to another prospective User, it is mutually agreed that unless a User discontinues the subscription within:- (a) conclusion of 5 classes / sessions forming part of a Course, or (b) two (2) weeks from commencement of the Course, whichever is earlier, User shall not be entitled to refund of the Course Fee. Provided that where a User discontinues the subscription within the aforesaid period, the user shall be entitled to a refund of 80% of the Course Fee.

7.4 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary elsewhere, Veranda shall have no responsibility or liability for any issues pertaining to the outsourced third-party payment gateway. For any such issues pertaining to the third-party payment gateway (including multiple debits, whether successful or not etc.), you may follow up with the third-party gateway or the user’s bank/financial institution concerned.

7.5 No other refunds shall be made other than mentioned above in this clause. Any refund to be made in accordance with terms above shall also be subject to and conditional upon the user being compliant with all other Terms of Service.

8.Termination and Consequences of Termination

8.1 We reserve the right to immediately terminate or suspend your Account and withhold/suspend any Services (in addition to any legal remedy that we can avail), at any time, if (i) you have failed to comply with these Terms of Services (including without restriction default / non-payment of the applicable Course Fee (including any portion or instalment thereof) as contemplated in Clause 6.4 above) (ii) you have provided inaccurate, fraudulent, outdated or incomplete information during the Account registration, (iii) you have violated any applicable laws, regulations or third party rights, or (iv) we believe in good faith that the action of termination or suspension of your Account or cessation of Services is reasonably necessary to protect the safety or property of:- (a) Veranda or (b) other Users of the Site, Application or Services or (c) third party service providers of Veranda.

8.2 In addition to the above, we reserve the right to review your Account from time to time for fraud prevention, risk assessment, security or investigation purposes. In case of any violation of these Terms of Services which results in a civil or criminal liability under applicable laws, we may also disclose your Account information, if required by any Government or legal authority.


9.1 Indemnity: You shall indemnify and hold harmless Veranda, its directors, employees, officers, etc. from and against any claims, damages, losses, liabilities, costs, etc. arising out of:

9.1.1 Your use of and access to the Application/Site/Content/Services, including without restriction your violation or infringement of any third-party rights in this regard

9.1.2 Your violation of these Terms of Services

9.1.3 Any other failure to comply with any general conditions as may be notified by Veranda in connection with the Site/Application/Services.

9.2 Notice: All notices served by us shall be provided via email to your Account or as a general notification on the Application. Any notice to be provided to us should be sent to legal@verandalearning.com.

9.3 Entire Agreement: These Terms of Services and any other guidelines applicable to the Site, Application or Services as may be notified by us from time to time, constitute the entire agreement between you and Veranda with respect to your access to or use of the Application, Site and/or the Services. In the event of any discrepancies between these Terms of Services and any other terms or policies relating to your access/use of the Site/Application/Services/Content, these Terms of Services shall prevail.

9.4 Assignment: You cannot assign or otherwise transfer your obligations under these Terms of Services, or any right granted hereunder to any third party. Veranda’s rights under these Terms of Services are freely transferable by us to any third parties without the requirement of seeking your consent.

9.5 Severability: If, for any reason, a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision of these Terms of Services, or portion thereof, to be unenforceable, that provision shall be enforced to the maximum extent permissible so as to give effect to the intent of the parties as reflected by that provision, and the remainder of the Terms of Services shall continue in full force and effect.

9.6 Waiver: Any failure by Veranda to enforce or exercise any provision of these Terms of Services, or any related right, shall not constitute a waiver by us of that provision or right.

9.7 Relationship: You acknowledge that your participation on the Application, Site or the Services does not make you an employee or agency or partnership or joint venture or franchise of Veranda.

9.8 Veranda provides these Terms of Services so that you are aware of the terms that apply to your access/use of the Site/Application and Services. You acknowledge that we have given you a reasonable opportunity to review these Terms of Services before choosing to accept the same.

9.9 These Terms of Services are governed by the laws in force in India. All issues arising out of these Terms shall be subject to the jurisdiction of courts in Chennai.

9.10 We hereby reserve the right to modify these Terms from time to time, by changing the Terms of Service on the Site, which you are required to regularly review to update yourself thereof. Upon any modification of these Terms (or any part thereof) you will be provided with an intimation of the same, whereupon your ability to continue to access the Site/Application or avail any Services shall be subject to Clauses 1.3, 1.5 and 1.6 above with respect to the Terms, as modified.


10.1 Veranda shall have no liability in the event of your inability to access/use the Site, Application or Services (or any part thereof) as a result of any acts of civil or military authority, flood, fire, epidemic, war or riot, act of God, or any other acts or developments beyond the reasonable control of Veranda.

10.2 In no event will Veranda be liable to you for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages (including damages for loss of profits, goodwill, or any other intangible loss) arising out of or relating to your access to or use of, or your inability to access or use, the Site/Application/Services or any materials or Content thereon, whether based on warranty, contract, tort (including negligence), statute, or any other law, and whether or not Veranda has been informed of the possibility of damage.

10.3 Your ability to access or use the Site / Application / Services is based on information provided by you not being inaccurate, false or misleading in any respect. In no event shall Veranda be responsible for any inaccuracies or fallacies in any information provided by you or the consequential impact thereof on your registration or eligibility to continue to access or use the Site / Application / Services.

11.Customer Care

If you face any issues with the Application, Site or Services, please contact us at customercare@verandalearning.com on Monday to Saturday between 10 AM IST and 6 PM IST.