Exam : TNPSC Group 4, TNPSC Group 2 & 2A
Status : Pre-order
Language : Tamil/English
No. Of Books : 43 Books
No. of Tests : 30+ Tests
Registered Students
Official Student Selections
Offline Centres
Years of Legacy
Enabling lakhs of Bank, Insurance, SSC, TNPSC, TNUSRB and other PSC exam aspirants to achieve their dream government jobs and lead a meaningful career in their life
Final Selections SBI PO 2024
Student Selections IBPS RRB Scale I
Final Selections IBPS RRB OA 2023
Students Cleared LIC ADO 2023
Final Selections IDBI JAM 2023
Student Selections UIIC Asst. 2024
Final Selections BOI PGDBF 2023
Students Cleared SBI Apprentice 2023
Students Cleared TNPSC Gr 4 2022
Students Cleared TNPSC Gr 2 & 2A
Final Selections TNUSRB SI 2023
Students Cleared RBI Assistant 2023
Final Selections SSC CGL Exams
Final Selections SSC CHSL Exams
Final Selections SSC MTS Exams
Final Selections IB MTS Exam
Asst. Inspector (Local Fund Audit Dept.)
Asst. Inspector (Local Fund Audit Dept.)
Assistant in TN Revenue Dept.
Assistant in TN HRCE Dept.
Asst. Inspector (Local Fund Audit Dept.)
Assistant in TN Revenue Dept.
Accountant (Treasuries & Accounts Dept.)
Assistant in Revenue Dept.
Assistant in TN Revenue Dept.
Assistant in TN Police Dept.
Assistant in TN Revenue Dept.
Veranda RACE
Yes, our books include 12 full mock tests and 22 cumulative tests to help you practice under exam-like conditions with OMR sheets and evaluate your understanding of various subjects and concepts for the upcoming TNPSC exams.
Enrolled students receive 43 TNPSC books covering a wide range of TNPSC subjects and topics, a handbook for quick reference and access to extensive TNPSC video classes tailored for improving weaker subjects.
Yes, it includes a one-year free CA subscription to the latest TNPSC current affairs, helping you stay updated with the latest news and historical developments relevant to a wide range of subjects and news.